In celebration of Season Two, and all things American Pickers, we’ve been given two copies of American Pickers: The Complete Season 1
to giveaway!
American Pickers is the antiques and collectibles show on the History Channel, featuring childhood buddies turned business partners Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz who travel the country “picking,” hoping to find treasures among the trash.
And they don’t mind having a little fun — even at their own expense — as they do it.

But you fans already know this and just want to hear how you can win the DVD. Even those who haven’t yet seen the show want me to get on to the contest details. *wink*
How can you be one of the lucky winners?
It’s easy! Leave a comment here, telling us your favorite American Pickers moment, find or favorite thing about the show in general. Or, if you’ve not yet been able to see the show, tell us one of your favorite things about Inherited Values.
You can also get extra credit by entering in these additional ways — use them all, or take your “pick.”
* Blog about this giveaway, giving your answer (favorite thing about American Pickers &/or Inherited Values) and linking to this giveaway post. Then come back and leave the URL of your post as a comment.
* Follow Inherited Values on Twitter, @InheritedValues, and let us know by leaving a comment here, including your @twitter handle.
* Tweet about the contest simply by tweeting this:
Win @americanpicker DVDs from @InheritedValues Enter #giveaway here:
You can Tweet twice a day.
* Follow or “like” Inherited Values at FaceBook.
* Follow or “like” American Pickers at FaceBook. (Be sure to leave a comment with your FaceBook ID so we can confirm your entry!)
Fine Print Rules:
This contest giveaway is open to those who reside in the US &/or Canada.
Since there are two DVDs, there will be two winners; one copy per winner.
Entries must be received/posted on or before February 2, 2011 (that would be midnight, central time, on February 1, 2011). Only entries as described above, will be included in the random draw.

I tweeted.!/klundine/status/32501319503708161
I liked you on FB (Kristi Lundine).
I already liked Pickers on FB (Kristi Lundine).
I’ve never seen it, seen the previews numverous times but haven’t had time to sit down and watch it yet.
I love the chats in the van. suelee1998 @
I like the shows where they go into old barns and find old cars that have been there for decades.
I “like” Inherited Values at FaceBook Susan S
I “like” American Pickers at FaceBook Susan S
I like anything associated with The History Channel!
I like to see how they make a profit on the stuff they buy
I like how they travel everywhere,what they pay for it and what it is worth
My favorite American Pickers moment… When Danielle won a bet that the guys would pay for her dinner if she could sell a big item that had been in inventory a while. She went to an expensive restaurant and ordered one of EVERYTHING and ate one bite of each! LOL!
i haven’t ever seen the show but i have heard great things about it
Well, I just got here [Inherited Values] for the first time…but I like the Movies topic in the Entertainment section. (The Music topic is interesting also.)
My favorite thing about the show is that they usually try to be pretty fair about the price they pay for stuff. They could very easily try to pay very little for the stuff they are picking and make a lot more profit, but they usually pay enough to where they will make a profit but not a huge profit.
I follow this blog on twitter and tweeted about this giveaway
Oops, I posted that I follow this blog on twitter and tweeted about this giveaway in the same post. This is a second post for the second entry of that message
I like American Pickers on facebook
I love American Pickers! There was a show awhile back where they went to a person’s house (who had a lot of stuff) and let them look through everything bur didn’t want to sell! They’ve found some cool movie posters in another episode I watched as well! Great stuff!
Like Inherited Values on Facebook. sylvia desnoyers burke
Like American Pickers on Facebook. Sylvia Desnoyers Burke
I loved when they found the old carnival posters and brought them to NYC to be appraised.
I like you on Facebook.
I’m following you on Twitter (I’m @LuckyJinxy).
I just love how these guys interact with the people they pick at . . . “what would you have for somethin’ like this?” 🙂
I like when they come across the antique signs at people’s houses
I follow you via twitter
i tweeted!/JCoyne1031/status/32656664586887168
I like you on facebook
i like american pickers on facebook
I love tuning in to see what they find and how much profit they make.
I like the old guns they find.
My fave thing about the show is the theme song ‘Rag & Bone’ sung by Jack White!
I like American Pickers on facebook
justine pierson
I like you on facebook
justine pierson